DNA/RNA Shield Saliva Collection Kit

DNA/RNA Shield Saliva Collection Kit is a DNA and RNA saliva collection kit designed for the collection and preservation of nucleic acids from saliva samples.
Saliva Collection Kits

Saliva collection devices and reagent for the collection, transport, and storage of saliva samples. Included reagent DNA/RNA Shield inactivates infectious agents within saliva and stabilizes nucleic acid at the point of saliva collection.
RNA Clean & Concentrator-5

The RNA Clean & Concentrator kits are RNA clean up kits that provide a simple and reliable method for the rapid preparation of high-quality RT-PCR-ready, DNA-free (R1013, R1014) RNA.
Rattler Plating Beads

Zymo Research offers Rattler Plating Beads to save the researcher time and effort when plating bacteria or yeast.
ZR-96 MagStand

The ZR-96 MagStand is a magnetic stand for the separation of magnetic beads in standard 96-well format plates, especially for high-throughput applications
Pop-off Cup

Pop-off Cup: Mixing and vortexing in single tubes. Use with Vortex-Genie® 1, Disruptor Genie®, and the Vortex-Genie® 2 family.

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