We have recently collaborated with a new company Akina, Inc. based in U.S. for Polyscitech Products.

About AKiNA

Akina, Inc. is a research company located in West Lafayette, Indiana near Purdue University. Founded in 2001 by Dr. Kinam Park, Akina provides a variety of research products and services with a focus on controlled release, medicinal-delivery, and biomedical applications. Akina consists of two divisions. PolySciTech is the products division and Akinalytics is the laboratory services division.

Plyscitech Products

PolySciTech division focuses on providing research reagents and products with a focus on biomedical applications. This includes biodegradable/biocompatible polymers, fluorescent products, chemical intermediates, assay kits, and other products used in research and development. Additionally, Akina, Inc. has several in-house research and development projects housed under the PolySciTech division which are open for collaboration. Learn more about the products and research at www.PolySciTech.com.