FIREScript® KIT (06-13-00050)

Fast and robust reverse transcriptase for wide range of applications
Genetically modified MMLV-based reverse transcriptase with increased
thermostability and improved performance at elevated temperatures

* High specificity and yield
* Wide reaction temperature from 37°C to 60°C
* Fast 15 min reaction time
* A simple 2-vial kit with enzyme and reaction buffer only
* Reaction set-up and shipment without ice

FIREScript® Reverse Transcriptase (RT) is a genetically engineered MMLV (Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus) based Reverse Transcriptase.

This is an RNA‐directed DNA polymerase that can synthesize a complementary DNA strand from ssRNA or ssDNA and is active over a broad range of reaction temperatures from 37°C-60°C.

FIREScript® RT is a robust enzyme for RNA detection and has enhanced stability at room temperature with no activity loss for up to 1 month. This RT contains a functional RNase H domain which can increase the sensitivity of RT‐qPCR (quantitative reverse transcription PCR).

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