“This technology has the potential to revolutionize low-cost, nucleic acid-based rapid testing.”

Rice University

TwistAmp® Liquid wins “Best New Life Science Product of the Year”

DNA amplification made possible with a TwistAmp®…

Real-time fluorescent DNA amplification made possi…

DNA amplification in a flexible liquid format. Con…

Real-time fluorescent DNA amplification in a flexi…

A ready made assay – exo positive control DNA temp..

A ready made assay – primers plus a FAM labelled e…

Units contain a lateral flow strip designed to det…

provides next gener…

T16-ISO is an advanced isothermal instrument opera…

“This technology has the potential to revolutionize low-cost, nucleic acid-based rapid testing.”

Rice University

TwistAmp® Liquid wins “Best New Life Science Product of the Year”

Quotation request