ZymoTaq PreMix

Premix featuring ZymoTaq’s hot-start DNA polymerase, dNTPs, and reaction buffer; optimized for amplification of DNA (including bisulfite-converted and CpG rich DNA).

Cat # Name Size
ZymoTaq™ PreMix (50 Rxns)
(50 Rxns.) (2 x 625 µl)



ZymoTaq PreMix is supplied as a 2X concentrated ‚Äúmaster mix‚Äù containing all the reagents needed to perform ‚Äúhot start‚Äù PCR. The inclusion of a heat-activated, thermal-stable DNA polymerase reduces primer dimer and non-specific product formation that can occur when performing conventional PCR. This unique product is specifically designed or the amplification of bisulfite-treated DNA for methylation detection. ZymoTaq PreMix yields specific amplicon formation with little or no byproducts. Simple and easy to use, just add water, primers, and template DNA to the ZymoTaq PreMix and then heat at 95°C for 10 minutes to initiate polymerization.

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